Are you planning to buy a garbage can because your old one had gone too much stinky, started to emit odors, and made your living hell? You might be interested in looking for your specific needs for a stainless steel trash can. But do stainless steel trash cans smell less, or are they the same as others?
Table of Contents
- Is Metal Considered An Odor-Free Material?
- Do Stainless Steel Trash Cans Really Smell Less?
- Why Do Stainless Steel Trash Cans Smell Less?
- Should You Buy A Stainless Steel Garbage Can To Eliminate Odor Problems?
- Is A Stainless Steel Garbage Can Better In Emitting fewer Odors Than Plastic?
- How To Buy A Best Stainless Steel Trash Can With Fewer Odors?
- What Is The Best Odor Blocking Trash Can Made Of Stainless Steel?
- What Is The Best Trash Can For Diapers?
- Final Thoughts:
- References:
In this guide, I’ll share everything regarding whether this stainless steel metal emits odors or not. And whether is it okay to kill your smelling problems by investing in a garbage can like this? Please keep reading!
Is Metal Considered An Odor-Free Material?
Studies show that many experts say that metal doesn’t really have its own odor. It doesn’t smell stinky, bad, or in a way that shall be unpleasant for the surrounding environment.
But as a matter of fact, anything can smell if other things contaminate it.
Like, when this metal gets contaminated with stuff like trash or garbage, it starts smelling.
Therefore, we can say that metals such as Aluminum, stainless steel, and others don’t really have a bad smell of their own.
But they can if they come in contact with other things.
Do Stainless Steel Trash Cans Really Smell Less?
Now, let’s answer your question. Since stainless steel also comes in metals, it might be curious to find out whether it smells less, more, or none at all. Your question is answered as follows.
A stainless steel trash can doesn’t really emit any odor if it has an odor-controlling feature with some built-in carbon deodorizers. However, it may smell less if there is too much garbage inside it and you haven’t cleaned it for a while. Nor your garbage collectors have visited yet to make a disposal.
Therefore, it is a fifty-fifty situation and totally depends on what garbage and how much garbage you contain inside a garbage can like this.
Stainless steel will always prevent smells from coming out of it, even if it is a simple garbage can. But the situation might worsen if you don’t keep it clean and don’t expose your garbage regularly.
In that case, cleaning and regularly disposing of the trash from these garbage cans is mandatory to keep them smell-free and less contaminated.
Why Do Stainless Steel Trash Cans Smell Less?
Since it’s clear to you that stainless steel trash cans usually smell less and sometimes non at all. You shall also know why this is so.
There are multiple reasons behind this happening, and some of the most prominent ones are listed as follows.
High-Quality Material:
Stainless steel has high-degree properties that don’t let it decompose quickly and get affected by the other materials.
It means that even if you have garbage inside a stainless steel can, the garbage can itself might not be affected by the decomposition process inside the can. This stops odors from emitting.
Garbage Cans With Solid Lids:
Stainless steel garbage cans have solid and heavy-duty lids that don’t let the air come out even if there is too much smell in the garbage can.
This helps in experiencing less smell out of a trash can like this.
Multiple Odor Controlling Features:
If you have a garbage can of stainless steel with features like odor control and deodorizers, you are the lucky one.
Because it will not let you experience any problem regarding smells or odors spreading in your garden or wherever you live.
Less Exposed To Animals And Leaves No Reason For Their Deaths:
A stainless steel garbage can doesn’t leave an easy way for the animals like squirrels or rats to open this can and enter inside.
This is often with those low-quality garbage cans. When this doesn’t happen, no animal is supposed to die inside that garbage can, and there are no chances of its smell coming out.
This all helps you decide whether a stainless steel garbage can worth it or not.
Should You Buy A Stainless Steel Garbage Can To Eliminate Odor Problems?
From all the reasons stated above, it can be concluded that having a stainless steel garbage can will latterly help you eliminate the odors your garbage created.
That’s because stainless steel is itself a less porous material and is considered best to keep odors less, stopped, and blocked from smelling or spreading out.
Therefore, you can have these thoughts in your mind, take a good breath and even blindly trust to have a stainless steel garbage can for less odor emission blessings.
That’s something suiting best inside your house and keep it odor free no matter where you put this garbage can and what you put inside it!
Is A Stainless Steel Garbage Can Better In Emitting fewer Odors Than Plastic?
Plastic is worse than all the problems we may have with garbage cans related to smell or odor emissions.
Because it does smell a lot and spreads this smell inside your house. However, even if it is a rigid plastic such as that HDPE or PET plastic, it may not be able to prove itself as good as a stainless steel garbage can in preventing smells.
It is because it has a higher tendency to linger when you accidentally put something offensive or harsh inside a garbage can made of plastic.
And when it does, it starts smelling, creating many problems for a peacefully living person like you!
So, based on these facts, we can conclude that a stainless steel garbage can is always better at stopping or emitting less or even no odors, which is the most common problem of these trash cans.
How To Buy A Best Stainless Steel Trash Can With Fewer Odors?
Just in case it’s a little hard for you as you buy a stainless steel trash can with fewer odors, and it is becoming difficult to decide on the best one, I am here to help.
The thing is, whenever we consider buying something, we keep some expectations in our mind. And then, we look at different products based on those expectations.
Sometimes, these expectations might be higher, and sometimes, these could be lower. But in most cases, if you get your stainless steel garbage can as I recommend, you’ve nailed it.
Please have a look at some most important features to consider while buying a garbage can of stainless steel with less odors.
Material Quality And Durability:
Before you consider looking for anything inside a garbage can, look for the material it is made of.
Since we are talking about stainless steel, your garbage can must be built using heavy-duty stainless steel material.
Because it is highly durable, long-lasting, damage-free, and dent free. Moreover, it’s gonna provide you value for the money you would spend to get it.
The Brand’s Information:
Whenever we buy a product, we are not buying just the things we need.
We are actually buying a mutual relationship that ultimately builds up with that product brand.
Therefore, you should always choose a garbage can that is built and offered by any highly known brand.
In the United States, exploring stores like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc., you will get some high-quality garbage can offered by some of the most prominent brands.
These brands might be Simplehuman, Ninestars, and iTouchless to meet your very specific needs.
Odor Removal Feature:
Even though you know that steel is a material that emits less odor, you still have to buy a garbage can which is offering a built-in odor-controlling feature.
Garbage cans like this will solve the problems you might have to face due to garbage smells and stinks inside these cans.
Heavy Duty Lid:
A Stainless steel garbage can is always worth it when you buy it with a solid lid.
Because a solid lid gives you so many benefits, keeping those animals away is the most appreciated.
Besides, having this lid on your garbage can means there are less chances of odor emissions through it, even if there is any odor coming out of the garbage can.
So, if you buy a garbage can by keeping these things in your mind, you will make the most valuable purchase possible!
What Is The Best Odor Blocking Trash Can Made Of Stainless Steel?
For the best odor-blocking trash can, consider having an iTouchless 13 Gallon Touchless Sensor Trash Can that has a built-in odor controlling feature.
You can have it for longer durability and many other compelling features at a very reasonable price tag!
What Is The Best Trash Can For Diapers?
Diapers make a lot of smell when kept inside a garbage can, and it’s been a while since you made the last disposal.
Therefore, having a good garbage can that doesn’t let these odors come out is all worth it. In that case, any heavy-duty stainless steel garbage can will do the job, and you can find it easily.
Final Thoughts:
So, do stainless steel trash cans smell less? You probably have known it completely if you have made up to this end of the article. Yes, stainless steel is a better material for keeping odors away than any others out there. Therefore, ensure you always get a garbage can to solve your garbage smell problems. However, let me know if anything makes you confused here!
But thanks for spending your precious time here. Take care of odors and yourself, and have a healthy living!
- Nast, C. (2020). The Best Kitchen Trash Cans for Everything You Can’t Reuse or Compost. [online] Epicurious. Available at:
- Sironi, S., Capelli, L., Céntola, P., Del Rosso, R. and Grande, M.I., 2005. Odour emission factors for assessment and prediction of Italian MSW landfills odour impact. Atmospheric Environment, 39(29), pp.5387-5394.
- Estrada, J.M., Lebrero, R., Quijano, G., Kraakman, N.J.R. and Muñoz, R., 2013. Strategies for odour control. In Odour impact assessment handbook (pp. 85-119). John Wiley & Sons New Jersey.

James is an organic fertilizer professional who owns a successful organic fertilizer company in new jersey. He is an expert in waste management in both houses and community cases. In his free time, he loves to write about his experiences in the field.